Dancing Beckett
The Unnamable
The Unnamable is an 'I' about whom the only thing we know is that it is unable to stop speaking. We don't know how it looks like, we don't know if the voice we hear is its own or not, and if it's not, we don't know where it comes from. What we know is that its voice is the only means it has to define itself and obscurely, the only means to reach what seems an impossible place; Silence. While “circling around a goal that is obscure”*, various thoughts, stories, ideas and questions are born. This voice we hear may be a helpless voice but at the same time it has some puzzling and interesting things to say. How can we define who we are? Aren't we all trapped in something? What makes us go on? On stage there is someone who wanders, who questions, who seeks to define itself.
*Maurice Blanchot (French literary analyst and writer)

Previous Performances
Komedia Theatre, Bath, UK
Edge Theatre, Bath, UK
Circomedia, Bristol, UK
Volcano Theatre, Swansea, UK
Bath Spa University Theatre, Bath, UK